Wednesday, January 8, 2014

As usual, I stayed up late again. Finished a retro movie called Escaping from Alcatraz and then I came across this musical drama show, The Glee. Watching it for a few mins later and suddenly, something just popped out of my mind. Here it goes, so, the show was about a group of students who love music so so much, formed a singing club called, The Glee Club. The members of the club were so outnumbered and they came from all kinds of background. But the worst part of it was The Glee Club is like some sort of outcast from the school. The other pupils in the school don't really like them. But no matter what, The Glee club members always stick together, side by side. They faced tons of problem in school. Even their teacher, Mr Seus, was humiliated by other teachers as well. And their aim was to compete in the nationals. Their musical journey were filled with humiliation, tears, and all sorts of obstacles. All of these suddenly hit me, THIS IS EXACTLY THE SAME THING THAT HAPPENED TO ME WHEN I WAS IN THE BAND. 

It's like I really felt the show. I used to love my band so so much. I'm always so passionate about it. I used to stay back after school almost everyday just to master my saxophone skills during my junior years. I used to walk from the school to my tuition centre after every band practice and not a single complain were sound by me. For sure I was tired as hell but hey why don't I complain about it and just quit that stupid band practice? The answer is simple, I love what I'm doing. I'm passionate about it. I'm so in love with it that I'm willing to sacrifice almost anything. I did sacrifice a lot. My playtime with my buddies, hang outs, parties, break dancing and all those stuff that usually a teenager would do. But its all fine, although I lost all of those, I gained something back in return. I knew what its like to march under the hot sun and being scolded like shit for just one small mistake, I knew what its like to be drop dead tired you can just sleep anywhere you want, I knew what its like when you can eat and laugh so hard at the same time after a stressful of practices, I knew what its like to have a family even though all of us are not from the same parent, I knew what its like to stand up high and shout out loud to cheer for ourselves before entering the "battle field", I KNEW WHAT ITS LIKE TO BE A BAND MEMBER. 

After 5 years of laugh, tears, pain, sweat, and even love, I've never regret being a part of my band, The CHKB Marching Band. 

*it took me half an hour to write this 

Love yourself, have faith in yourself, STAY STRONG, AS ALWAYS :)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Throwback 2010

This was us during the NatComp 2010, as glorious as it may seemed. We did had a great year. Too bad the show stops there, once and for all. Its already 2014. The question is, what now? Another imagination year?

Its just sad, very sad. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's another problem

So, I went back to check on you guys a few days back. And, I was stunned, once again. It's not that you guys improve or whatsoever, but, you guys have nothing right now. I really mean it, NOTHING. You know what I felt the first time I stepped into y'all practice? I was like, what are they doing?! Come on! It's a band camp and everyone was like, this camp sucks!! The year end band camp should be cheerful, fun, exciting, and each member would be very eager to learn more. But, it's different from what I saw. Way too different. Every member was having that fussy face on them. It's like they hated it for such a long time. Sigh. Where are the spirits that all of you once gained? The whole 2010 year was like the best thing that happened to all of us, but now? Ask yourself then. Deep down in your heart, do you still love this band, this big family??
I even started to hear some rumours that some of you are quiting? Worse still, some are planning on to rebel? I'm so so so speechless.

Hey, come on guys, think about it, please.

Monday, December 20, 2010

2010 first post ever. =D

It's been a year since the last post was updated. So sorry for the delay. It had been a busy year for all of us. I don't wanna talk about this year's achievement or so so. I just wanna talk about the bond that has been growing between each member.
I remembered when we first started practicing, everyone was still having their "mind your own business" thinking. I saw it, and I was very worried. Tell you guys a secret, I've been thinking on how to improve and bring everyone closer as a family since I haven't even started running the band. It was like an impossible task for me to deal with such a great band with so many members that have different types of personality. Some are nice, indeed. But, there are still some members that acted "strangely" during our practices. I kept thinking, what can I do to make everyone love each other and would be willing to help each other, like a family.
So after a year of thinking and discussing with the experienced ones, I thought of something. Something that can make all of us to co-operate with each other. For sure, I cant tell you here what it is. But if you're one of the member, I think you know what I meant earlier on.
And so, when I first started taking over this huge responsibility, I started my very own type of "ruling". It was harsh at first, I've met a lot of problems. Everybody was upset by the attendance of the members. This makes the others went down and moody. For sure, I cant be like them. What would the members react when they see their leaders moody and sad? Ofcourse, they would react the same way. And so, I force myself to be in a jovial mood, to be as passionate as ever. Soon the whole band reacted the same way although our attendance were extremely bad. From day1 of the band camp until the last day of camp, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. After that, I'm more confident what this band is lack of.
Days went on and on. We attended practices after practices, camp after camp. Ofcourse there were some bad moments, and everyone was like: "okay, i give up" But, as you can see, we made it till the end. Right? Our so-called "family bond" was getting stronger after each practice. Do you remember? Everyone was so so so happy during the band camp especially when the competition was near. Still don't get what I mean? Ok. Remember what happened when the day of the competition was just tomorrow? Yeah. I''m sure all of us would remember that remarkable day. Still remember how you guys reacted after hearing that news? Still remember when we were about to marched out of the stadium entrance?? We shouted LOUD AND PROUD for each other before going in to perform. Let me tell you something, the feeling was extremely amazing. Only those who joined the competition knew what the feeling was.
That's what I called them, THE FAMILY BOND OF CHKB MARCHING BAND. I'm proud of being one of them, are you?

As for now, the era of 2010 had ended. A new era was established. So CHKB, fight for another miracle, would you?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Sudden Thought

I was up in the midnight yesterday. Cant sleep at all...
Lying on my bed, thinking bout a whole lots of stuff...
Suddenly I think of you....

Miss those days a lot...
i stil remember when I first joined "you"....everything was new...
Til the second year...."you" had become a part of my life....
"you're" just like a family to me...
We laughed, we cried, we quarreled, we talked, we sang songs, we played game, we ate, we rest, we marched, we played songs....
Those are the cherish moment that I'll never forget for the rest of my entire life...
What can I say more...
The band is something very's like a big community or in other words...A FAMILY
The knowledge you get is so'll learned to communicate, share ideas, forgive others and more to come.....

To be honest, I've cried before, because of "you"....
There are many things that goes round and round in my mind through all these years....
Since next year is my last year in the band....I would try to maintain it...
I'm not the only one who can help this band to grow....
I need all of you...
Together, we'll improve....much more than you can ever imagine...

To all of the "last year" band member....


我们是"西黑K笔" !
(slogan by austin+jiu hung)


Monday, August 24, 2009

'09 National Competition

I just posted a new post in my blog.
But I wont copy from there and paste it here for a new post here.
Now for Austin Rong's request, i will be posting something here.
The '09 National Competition was a big event for us.
Our whole year effort was put into that 12 minutes,
just hoping that there was nothing wrong happens.
Putting it short, we had a happy, memorable, and tiring competition.

People are expecting to get a result from us,
and this year Sir Tang came to our school more than last year.
I think he came here about 5-6 times?
Lost count of it, but it really is a good start.
And if he can spend some of his time and
come to our school more next year,
I hope that all the members, no matter juniors or seniors,
will spend all those time with Sir Tang more seriously
and take his every advice.

Here are some pictures from the competition.

Here are some pictures of it.
Im not the 1 who take took the photo,
sorry if the pictures are not that good.

By : Ah Poi

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Best Practice Ever~ =>

Yups....yesterday sir Tang came wif pei fong to "clean us up again".....
Everyone was very very very nervous as usual.....^^
Because Sir Tang mer....^^
But the best part doesn't stop there.....
a big announcement to make....!!!
Yeah~everyone was thrilled beyond words after hearing that news....^^
We had a splendid time as sir Tang "washes" us all up.....^^
Nobody seems to say out the word....
"i'm tired, i'm boring"......throughout the practice.....
I juz wanna say.....we did a great job together again.....
Well done members.....big clap* for all of you....

And dont forget what sir Tang had told us hor....
Number 1 in the exam, number 1 in the band..... real hard k....
Dont let your parents think that you will neglect your studies when attendding band practice...
Show to your parents....
Show to your friends...
Show to your teacher...
Show to the whole school....
That we, as a band member can also achive high grades in our studies....
Show to them we can do it....!!!!
Concentrate more when the teachers are teaching....(although i know that is very difficult)
But nothing is impossible when impossible is nothing.....!!!

Jia you.....add oil....gambateh.....

Remember this.....
No. 1 in the exam, No. 1 in the Band
